So lets have a little fun, shall we? I'm taking guesses on when y'all think Asher is going to make his debut. To up the stakes, I will send the person that has the closest guess a Starbucks gift card! Just leave a comment including the date you think he will arrive. As soon as I get home from the hospital (maybe give me a little leeway) I will send the winner their prize. Fun, huh?!
Here's some info to help you guess. My "mathematical" due date (ie. based off the first day of my last cycle) should be May 3rd. Based on Asher's measurements, my "official" due date has always been April 29th. My guess (for no reason other than intuition) is April 16th.
April 24 :)
May 4,2013
May 2. I like an even number:)
April 26
Anytime after my golf tournament on the 21st!!
I say April 28th, one month from today :)
May 1st!
April 22nd
April 21st!
Going to go with May 1st, since that is our wedding anniversary :)
April 22 :)
So after reading your latest blog posts, it sounds like you could go any minute! I'm changing my date to April 25th! I know it doesn't count, but there is no way you're going to make it to May 1st! LOL!
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