{Don't forget to scroll down and cast your D-Day vote for Baby Asher...free Starbucks card for the closest guess!!}
Happy Good Friday!
For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. ~1 Timothy 2:5-6
Did you hear about how "certain people" are trying to take the word "Easter" out of "Easter Egg Hunt?" Yeah. They want to call it a "Spring Egg Hunt." I mean seriously?! There is no question as to why we celebrate Easter, so if you don't believe in what happened on that day, and you don't believe in our risen Savior, then here's an idea....DON'T CELEBRATE EASTER. And leave us believers and our holiday alone. I'm sorry, but enough is enough, and why people think they need to mess with an obviously religious holiday because of their own agenda is completely absurd. Just had to get that out there. Anyways, on to my favorite things of the week...
* I am so excited for my mama to get in this evening! She hasn't seen me since Christmas. We'll just say she's going to be a little surprised when she sees this belly...
* New tops from Lululemon (including the one above) to get me through these last few preggo weeks. It was down to just 2 of my beloved workout tops that I could get myself in to, so it was time to bite the bullet. The "Power Y" style is the longest of their tops, so they work just fine with my belly. Ok, so I did have to go up a size to make sure they went all the way over my belly, but at least they're cute and I feel much more comfortable at the gym.
* These Morningstar Mediterranean Chickpea patties have become a staple for me. They taste like falafel, and y'all know how I've been loving me some Greek food. Here's what I do. Cook one of the patties as directed (I like them done in the oven) and quarter, spread some hummus on a warm pita, top with the chopped patty, add lettuce, tomato, feta and cucumber and fold up to eat. YUM!
* Also on the Morningstar horizon, Burger King is now carrying a Morningstar veggie burger on their menu. I love having some healthy/veggie fast food options when I need something quick. Sans mayo, this veggie burger is pretty healthy...and tasty!
* Starburst "Fave Reds" Jelly Beans. I don't know if these are limited time only, but I sure hope not. I've been snacking on them like crazy. Maybe I won't even like them once I'm not pregnant, but right now I am all about them.
1 comment:
You are too cute in your pink top! Love that baby bump! And I am seriously craving chickpea patties now!
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