August 3, 2012

Friday's Five Faves

Happy Friday friends!  Did anyone else feel like this was the longest week ever?  I sure did.  I am really looking forward to the weekend.

All of my faves this week are inadvertently food related.  Oh well...who doesn't like like finding out about new food products?!

* Back to Nature Sweet Potato Cinnamon Crackers.  A little sweet and a little salty...yummmm.  I don't think these are widely available yet, but we found ours at Whole Foods.

* Heirloom tomatoes...I just love the variety of colors when you slice a few of these up on a plate.  If you are in B'ham, you probably know about the amazing heirloom tomato salad at Hot and Hot.  The little cafe at Whole Foods also has a yummy one.  Or try this at home.

* The new Starbucks Via Refreshers...naturally flavored green tea with a little caffeine.  Just dump the packet into a bottle of water, or mix into a big glass of water and add ice.  I like fixing one of these in the afternoon for a little energy boost.  Obviously you can also go to an actual Starbucks and order one.
 * Amy's Sonoma Veggie new favorite frozen burger (sorry Boca).  These are so tasty!  I love to pile mine high with sliced tomato, avocado, lettuce and pickles.  Add a side of sweet potato fries, and I've got one of my most favorite go-to meals.

* Finding studies that confirm what I already assumed about the benefit(?) of eating sweets first thing in the morning.  Heard about this?  Read here.  I always eaten something sweet as soon as I get up in the morning.  This is mainly because I crave sweets right when I wake up, but also because I've always figured if I'm going to eat something naughty, might as well do it first thing so I have all day to work it off!  Turns out this habit also helps you to curb cravings later in the day.  (Side note: I don't think this means you should down half a cheesecake or anything.  Maybe just a couple bites...)

That's all I got!

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