August 6, 2012

A little bit awkward, a little bit awesome

A little bit awkward...
Coming home to a trash can that's been dumped over and sifted through.

A little bit awesome...
The "I'm sorry" face we get afterwards.

A little bit awkward...
Ordering the second cheapest bottle of wine on the menu.

A little bit awesome...
That pinot totally rocked!

A little bit awkward...
Trying to sneak Riley out of the house for a little joyride in the convertible without Maddux knowing (he has a hard time getting in the car).

A little bit awesome...
Watching Riley have the

A little bit awkward...
Paying an extra "handling fee" at the groomer's since Maddux can't stand on his feet for the hour it takes to cut and bathe him.

A little bit awesome...
Being 10 degrees cooler and possibly 10 lbs. lighter.

A little bit awkward...
Taking 5 minutes to order my main entree because of my special "healthy" requests and substitutions, to then just top it all off with the fried strawberry shortcake.

A little bit awesome...
Duh. Fried strawberry shortcake.

A little bit awkward...
After finishing a 2+ hour dinner at Ocean on Saturday night, we got up from our table, walked 10 feet to the right, and sat back down at the bar.

A little bit awesome...
We have so much fun on date night that we are never quite ready for the night to end.

So, what was a little bit awkward and a little bit awesome about your weekend?


Cassie said...

This post is hilarious!

Kristin Padalik said...

Love this!