My MIL told me about these daily email devotionals awhile back and I love reading them every morning (you can click here to email and sign up). This one from last week really resonated with me...I'm sure it didn't have anything to do with the the fact that a sweet doggie was the heart of it...
True Love
by Robert Brock
A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the
spirit. Proverbs 15:13
spirit. Proverbs 15:13
About a month ago as I was going to a board meeting I looked out my car window and spotted a small black and white dog sitting 30 feet or so from the road near a tree. The dog looked lost and was not moving, just sitting there like he was waiting for someone. I slowed down and he never moved. I had to continue to my meeting as I would have been late if I had stopped to see about him. I however called my daughter and told her about the dog and to go and see if he was still there as it was almost 20 degrees and too cold for him to be outside. She and her husband got in their car and went to where I told them the dog was sitting. When they got there he was still sitting at the same place. They brought him home and my wife immediately fell in love with him. We continually checked the newspapers to see if anyone had lost a dog, but could not find anyone who had reported one missing. He was in pretty bad condition, and it was obvious that he had not been taken very good care of. My wife named him Teddy and he has instantly become part of our family. He greets all newcomers with an exuberance and excitement that everyone falls in love with him. It is just like he cannot wait to jump into their arms and show them that he loves them. He is absolutely sure that he is loved and accepted by everyone he meets.
His excitement for wanting to be loved and show his love to others is the way that we should be in showing our love to God. We should be as excited as this little dog to want to know our Savior. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. It would be so wonderful if we had the excitement about loving God as this little dog has about loving people he meets. If we could only harness the energy and the attitude this little dog has and show God that we love him in this manner, our lives would be changed as we would begin to really reap God's harvest for our lives. God loved us so much that he sent his son to suffer and die on the cross for our sins. He has also given us the direction to follow in his first and greatest commandment shown above. The way to show God that we love him is to obey his commandments and to draw closer to him. We can reach him anytime we want through our prayers and talk to him anytime we need to and he will listen and hear us. If we could only explode into his presence like our little dog does with people he meets, God would be there waiting for us with open arms. God wants us to come to him with joy and happiness and tells us he will be waiting.
His excitement for wanting to be loved and show his love to others is the way that we should be in showing our love to God. We should be as excited as this little dog to want to know our Savior. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. It would be so wonderful if we had the excitement about loving God as this little dog has about loving people he meets. If we could only harness the energy and the attitude this little dog has and show God that we love him in this manner, our lives would be changed as we would begin to really reap God's harvest for our lives. God loved us so much that he sent his son to suffer and die on the cross for our sins. He has also given us the direction to follow in his first and greatest commandment shown above. The way to show God that we love him is to obey his commandments and to draw closer to him. We can reach him anytime we want through our prayers and talk to him anytime we need to and he will listen and hear us. If we could only explode into his presence like our little dog does with people he meets, God would be there waiting for us with open arms. God wants us to come to him with joy and happiness and tells us he will be waiting.
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