How far along: 29 weeks
Gender: BOY! Asher Wade!
Size of baby: About 2.5 pounds
Weight gain: 17 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Always. I have a couple longer pre-preggo tops that I can still wear, and a couple empire waist dresses, but I'm teetering on the line of appropriate-ness when I wear them. Was it hard for anyone else to succumb to the fact that regular clothes are just not going to fit? Currently on the hunt for a maternity cocktail dress. Lots of fun..let me tell you.
Movement: We read somewhere the other day that the more active the baby is in the womb, the more active (a/k/a holy terror) they are after birth. Yep, probably going to have my work cut out for me;) He is non-stop all day, taking a little break while I do my cardio and for about an hour afterwards. No more little kicks and jabs either. We now have full body flips and rolls. His latest thing is to poke his little foot right at my belly button. I swear I almost feel like I could grab it.
Movement: We read somewhere the other day that the more active the baby is in the womb, the more active (a/k/a holy terror) they are after birth. Yep, probably going to have my work cut out for me;) He is non-stop all day, taking a little break while I do my cardio and for about an hour afterwards. No more little kicks and jabs either. We now have full body flips and rolls. His latest thing is to poke his little foot right at my belly button. I swear I almost feel like I could grab it.
Sleep: Ehhh, not great, but that's partly because I have been battling colds/coughs/congestion for about a month straight now.
Cravings: Definitely protein. Eating lots of Greek yogurt, hard cheeses, Kashi cereals, oatmeal, salmon, tuna salad and egg salad, frozen yogurt, smoothies, fruits and veggies. Drinking tons of water and iced tea, and the occasional Sprite Zero.
Aversions: Not really anything in particular.
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks and lower back pain every now and then.
What I miss: Wine when we go out to eat and a good night's sleep
What I'm looking forward to: I have my first shower this coming weekend in KY...can't wait!
Best moment of the week: The 4-D ultrasound we had done this morning! It was amazing! Oh, and I passed my glucose test, so that was good news:)
Thoughts on pregnancy: Still love being pregnant! I told Matt that even after Asher is born, I may stuff a pillow in my shirt when we travel. I swear I got the best service and attention while I was in Chicago last week (very short recap coming soon). From the plane ride, to the room service, to random people on the street...everyone went out of their way to make sure I was ok and getting what I needed. Sure was nice:)
Here's the latest bump picture...
And here's a couple shots from the 4-D ultrasound...
Here's the latest bump picture...
And here's a couple shots from the 4-D ultrasound...
Precious bump! You look beautiful! CG was very active in the womb, and she is still high energy!! She's a very happy baby and loves playing. But she also sleeps like a wonder, too! :) And please say a prayer for us...we found out yesterday CG has RSV. It has been some very tiring days and nights, staying up all night listening to her breathing and counting her breaths!!! She is doing better and finally eating some, so hopefully we won't have to admit her to the hospital.
You look great! I remember with my pregnancies trying to figure out which body part they were pushing against my belly with. The weirdest part was when I could see an arm or a foot trying to push their way through! You will definitely miss feeling all of Asher's little flips and kicks after he's born. There's nothing like that amazing feeling :) Have a great shower!
Love the pregnancy updates, you are too cute! Glad you got great service in Chicago, you deserve it!
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