April 11, 2011

Not a bad little weekend

Twas a lovely weekend.  Warm weather, sunny skies, time with the hubby.  It was lovely.  We saw Source Code Friday night.  This movie is awesome!  Tons of action and suspense and it's only 1-1/2 hours.  For someone that is borderline ADD gets antsy easily, this is a big plus.  Totally recommend it. 

Saturday was the Funky Fish Fry.  I'm so bummed I didn't take any pictures from this.  We went last year too and it's always fun and good people watching.  Have I mentioned how much Matt and I LOVE watching young single people try and hook up with other singles, especially when alcohol is involved??  This is hours of entertainment.  We watched Due Date that night.  Another good pick...this was hilarious!

Sunday was the Masters (kind of bummed my guy Adam Scott didn't pull through) so Matt was gone most of the day watching with friends.  This means I got to do some of this...

A lot of this....

I also made a yummy blueberry pie (recipe to be posted on Recipe Blog shortly...)

And I even laid out for a bit to try and get a little sun on my very pasty legs, as seen in the picture above.  I am now the proud owner of a tan line.

On another note, I may be a little M.I.A. for the next week or so.  Finals start next week, which means my life kind of becomes a blur of text books, notes, caffeine and Echinacea.  It's a rough life.  Know what though?  This time next year I will be preparing to walk down the aisle to (hopefully) receive my Doctor of Jurisprudence!  Wow.  I actually see the very dim light.  At least there's a light.  For awhile I saw nothing but a never ending black hole of case briefs and code sections.  I do have to get through these next couple weeks of exams though, one of which is supposedly the hardest of all ridiculously hard law school exams (UCC).  Any and all prayers would be much appreciated :)


The Andersons said...

Will be praying for you! You can do this!!! :)

Brandi said...

OMG! Whose cat is that???? That is freakishly weird! hope you do well on the finals!