April 8, 2011

Show Us Your Life: Mother's/Father's Day Ideas

So today on S.U.Y.L. I am supposed to tell you about some mother’s day/father’s day ideas.  Not gonna lie, I totally freaked out when I first read today's topic because it made me think that Mother's Day was this weekend or something.  I'm generally pretty good with important dates...I have them all written down in my trusty planner.  But in the recent craziness of life, I feared that I had somehow lost track.

Looks like this topic is simply preemptive though.  I guess it serves the purpose of reminding forgetful husbands people that, yes, two important holidays are coming up and yes, the same old flowers and cards could use a little updating.

Personally, these holidays kind of just make me sad seeing as how Matt and I do not even live in the same states as our parents.  I have very fond memories of going to church, enjoying a home cooked lunch, being outside enjoying the (usually) nice weather and surprising mom and dad with gifts that I had carefully picked out or handmade myself.  Now I am forced to send a card, some flowers, maybe a gift card, and chat over the phone.  Boo.  I think that simply spending the day together is the best way to celebrate.

Anyways, I am guilty of sending the same old cards/flowers, but in all honesty, I love getting flowers, and I know exactly who I get that from....MY MOTHER.  Still, I would like to hear some new ideas, so I'll be checking to see what everyone else posts on the topic over at Kelly's Korner Blog.  So far there are some super cute ideas on there...

Speaking of parents...two very special people are celebrating an anniversary today!  Happy Anniversary to Matt's mom and dad and the very best in-laws in the world!!  We love you both and hope you have a wonderful day!

I love this picture of them....hanging out with the granddogs.

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