29 Things Learned in 29 Years
1. Wear sunscreen RELIGIOUSLY...no temporary tan is worth having chunks of skin removed down the road
2. Do not rush childhood...it's definitely the easiest time of your life
3. However, if you have the ability to time travel, don't hesitate to skip junior high
4. It's usually the most difficult people that need your love and compassion the most
5. It can take a lifetime to build trust but only a second to lose it
6. Mom does know best, and she's right 99.99999999% of the time
7. Everyone makes mistakes, so remember to forgive
8. I don't care what anyone says about old wives tales...a combo of echinacea, zinc and vitamin C really do ward off colds
9. The more I let God into my life, the better it gets
10. Cough syrup is no different from honey
11. A broken heart (even one that is left in a million pieces) will heal
12. No matter how hard you try not to, there will be a moment where you sound JUST like your mother
13. It's easy to fall in and out of love, but staying in love is what takes work...that's why it is the most fulfilling
14. If you never fail, then you aren't pushing yourself hard enough
15. Your husband/wife knows when something is wrong, even if you say "nothing"
16. Some friendships won't last forever, but they were still what you may have needed at the time
17. When someone says they have absolutely no regrets, they're lying...seriously everyone has at least one regret!
18. A great pair of high heels is a surefire way to feel better about yourself
19. It sounds cheesy, but make sure you really do marry your best friend...it just makes marriage a whole lot more enjoyable
20. Cheap toliet paper is not worth saving a few cents
21. It's ok to just sit there and cry sometimes
22. From the outside looking in, things may seem perfect, but they never are
23. It's impossible to please everyone, so just worry about the people that matter most
24. Your reputation is probably the most important thing you own and have complete control over
25. There is no greater beauty product than 8 hours of sleep
26. It's really easy to over analyze your way into a problem that probably wasn't even a problem until you started thinking about and dwelling on it so much
27. You can tell a lot about a person by observing how they treat their waiter
28. If you start a sentence with "I don't want to offend you, but..." it's pretty safe to say that you are going to offend them anyways
29. My past has influenced who I am today, but it does not control my future
Thank you honey for the yummy birthday cake...my favorite! He actually surprised me with it on Saturday so we could enjoy it for a few days. Needless to say we've been having a piece of cake every night:)
1 comment:
Happy, Happy 29th Birthday to you! Love your list... SO TRUE! Love you lots.
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