March 9, 2010


Ok, it is official, Matt and I are training for our very first half marathon...woo hoo! We are going to do the Twisted Ankle (scary huh?) half in Summerville, GA on May 15th. This is a trail run mostly along a mountain ridge of the Pinhoti Trail. Although the registration and info site said that runners rarely do actually twist their ankle, the race route is not your typical road race and does have more difficulty since it is on a hiking trail through the mountains, which also means there are some climbs. I believe the running lingo is that this type of race is more "technical." Thus there are more opportunities to hurt yourself. Yep, Matt and I sure do know how to pick um, especially for our very first half marathon. We are in our third week of training, and I have to pat myself on the back a little because I am pretty impressed with myself. Granted I have always been able to power walk for several miles and work out pretty much everyday, I have never been much of a runner, but as of this week I have built up to 5 miles of straight running on an incline. I always read these articles in my fitness magazines where women are saying how they had never run in their life and would have never thought they could finish a marathon, but then after training for the recommended weeks, they did it. I was always like, "yeah right, these women were probably born runners and are just trying to make themselves sound better," but seriously, I am starting to feel the same way. It really is amazing how quickly you can build up stamina. I'll keep you posted on our progress up until the big race day. Then we will be on to training for a full marathon....ok yeah, baby steps Leanne.

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