September 3, 2012

Pregnancy Journal: 6 Weeks

Due date: May 1, 2012
How far along: 6 weeks
Size of baby: an itty witty lentil bean
Weight gain: actually lost a pound
Maternity clothes: Lord no
Movement: not yet
Sleep: besides a couple potty breaks and not sleeping on my stomach, not much different than pre-preggo
Cravings: more like what I can actually stomach...pretzels, crackers, plain oatmeal, simple pastas, most fruit
Aversions: probably won't be going to Mellow Mushroom again anytime soon...we'll just leave it at that
Symptoms: queasy pretty much all day everyday, a little fatigue and light-headed-ness
What I miss: red wine, hot yoga, sushi, sleeping on my that order
What I'm looking forward to: our first ultrasound on 9/13!!
Best moment of the week: buying more sweet outfits for Baby Mac...seriously, somebody stop me!
Thoughts on pregnancy: It's weird because I'm in this "transitional" phase where I'm so, so, so excited, but also still very anxious and worried.  I have this fear of something going wrong.  I know I'll worry the whole pregnancy (not to mention for the next 50 years!), but I do think I will feel more at ease once we get through the 1st trimester.  It's amazing how attached I already am to this little life.  Already so in love...I can hardly stand it!

Bad photo quality, and probably the only pic you'll see with a bare belly. 
Proud of those abs...for now anyways!

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