August 31, 2012

Friday's Five Faves

* Long holiday weekends.  We aren't planning on doing a darn thing these next 3 days.  Best plan we've had in awhile if you ask me :)

* Breaking Bad.  Wow!  Awesome show.  We just started watching this on Netflix, starting with Season 1 (there are 6 seasons total).  We watched the whole first season just this week.  It's so good.

* Kettle Brand Tias chips.  We are loving these...especially the "Zesty Ranch" flavor.

* This article.  Married?  Hope to get married some day?  Read it.  It is smartly written and witty...the best combo I think.

* College football baby!  We kicked the 2012 season off today at work with a little potluck....wearing our team colors of course!

Happy LONG Weekend!!

1 comment:

The Andersons said...

Happy Labor Day to you and Matt! :)