June 22, 2012

Friday's Five Faves

* Agadir Argan Oil Conditioner.  I am in love with this conditioner!  It makes my hair so soft and shiny and doesn't weigh it down at all.  This was a total whim purchase.  I had never heard about it, read anything about it or had any reason to buy it, other than intuition:)  Now, the $20 price tag is a little steep for a conditioner sold in CVS, but I think it's worth it.  You can get it cheaper on Amazon as well.

* Love my new Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick.  A perfect combo of subtle colors that make me look like I sat outside at lunch.  And don't even get me started on the Beach Body Oil.  Heavenly!

* The show Girls on HBO (we're watching it On-Demand since the season is already over I think??).  Oh Lord, this show has me cracking up the whole 30 minutes.  Is this really what it's like to be 20-something and living in NYC?  If not, please don't ruin my fantasy.

* Luna and Larry's Coconut Bliss frozen desserts.  Oh, yummm.  All of them.  That I've tried anyways...

* And I have to post my most favorite thing of the week...my new ride.  Although what's really my favorite thing is riding around with the top down.  

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