July 10, 2013


Big change happened this week...mama started back to work!  Boy did these past 11 weeks go by fast.  It felt like I had so much time ahead of me, but then before I knew it, our beach trip was here, which meant I would be heading back to work the next week.  It's kind of bittersweet.  I do love my job and my co-workers/friends, but I was pretty blue over the weekend knowing I had to leave my baby boy Monday morning.  Part of me was really ready to get back to my "other life" and have some regular adult interaction, but I also hate not being with Asher.  As crazy challenging as this time has been with the colic and what not, I am so thankful that it was him and me 24/7.  Time I know I will never get back.  I remember during the worst of the colic I was counting the days until I got to return to work.  It was just hard to really enjoy that time.  Then as it started to ease up a little, I was really able to enjoy our time together.  Of course just when the colic starts to pass it's time for me to head back to the office, but what can you do?!  The one good thing is that Matt has this week off and then his parents are coming in next week, so Asher really has 2 more weeks before starting "school."  I'm also working reduced hours this first week and Matt is bringing him up to the office to visit.  This is helping me so much with the transition.  I know school will be great for him and he will get so much out of it, but I still have that mommy guilt.  Hopefully that will pass once I see how well he adapts to his new normal.  I have grown so attached to him and just love him to pieces!
That smile just melts me

Some of his other funny faces

Just back from his favorite activity...the pool

First time going to church


Visiting mama at work...Asher Wade McWilliams, Esq.??

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