April 8, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: 37 Weeks

How far along: 37 weeks...FULL TERM!
Gender: BOY! Asher Wade!
Size of baby: 6.5 pounds
Weight gain: 27 pounds
Maternity clothes: I feel like I wear the same thing over and over, but seriously, I just want to be comfortable at this point and I for sure am not going out and buying any more maternity clothes!  I plan to just live in maxi dresses for the next few weeks.
Movement: He's slowed down a lot, but I still get some big stretches and rolls throughout the day; a butt poking out, a wave of a foot, elbow or hand.  He just likes to make sure I know he's still there.
Sleep: Very sporadic and restless, with a few potty breaks, but like I've said, I'm used to it now. I know it's just par for the course and good preparation.
Cravings: Nothing new here.  I could still live off Greek salads (especially Zoe's), tuna wraps (Roly Poly's), grilled salmon (from Tazikis, and over a Greek salad), Panera's black bean soup and a salad, and cooked sushi.  Still loving frozen yogurt and iced tea, and I always crave sweets in the morning.
Aversions: Not really anything in particular, but I have to avoid salty meals or I can't sleep.
Symptoms: Some pressure and minor contractions, especially at night; a little swelling in my hands and feet.  Still feel pretty good though!
What I miss: Wine when we go out to eat, a good night's sleep and just being able to put shoes and socks on like a normal person!
What I'm looking forward to: At this point, I'm just looking forward to meeting him!
Best moment of the week: We had the best couple's shower and then I had a surprise work shower!  We also finally finished the nursery!  Finished up the last of our maternity classes too with Infant CPR and Breastfeeding this past week...both were very helpful.
Thoughts on pregnancy: It was important to me to get to this 37 week mark, and now that we're here, the nursery is complete, and we basically have everything we need for a newborn, I am READY for him to make an appearance whenever he wants!  I'm just wondering how it's going to go.  Will my water randomly break?  (Didn't know this until recently, but only 15% of women's waters actually break on their own...usually the OB has to break it.)  Will I start having contractions at home one night?  Will I be induced?  Will I go in for my weekly checkup and then just get admitted?  So much is up in the air, which is tough for this Type A, borderline OCD, planner:)

Here's the latest bump picture...

 Also, if you haven't already, enter the Delivery Date Contest!


The Cheesman Family said...

Congratulations on 37 weeks! You look amazing. I wish I could give you a great big hug right now. I think of y'all all the time. Sending lots of love and huge hugs.

The Andersons said...

You look GREAT! So excited for y'all! (I can't believe you're already full-term!)

Kristin Padalik said...

You look fabulous! I've really enjoyed following your pregnancy journal/blog. I can't wait to see pictures of Asher :)