March 12, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: 33 Weeks

How far along: 33 weeks
Gender: BOY! Asher Wade!
Size of baby: 4 pounds
Weight gain: 22 pounds
Maternity clothes: You better believe it.
Movement: Still having really big movements...sometimes they take my breath away.  He still prefers my right side, but I can feel him testing the waters and moving to the other side.  He usually returns to his safe spot though.  He stays head down (good thing) and just shifts his body left to right.
Sleep: Definitely having more sleepless nights, but in all honesty, I'm getting used to it.  I know it's just par for the course, not to mention that it's good preparation.
Cravings: Still protein. Eating lots of Greek yogurt, hard cheeses, Kashi cereals, oatmeal, salmon, tuna salad and egg salad, frozen yogurt, smoothies, fruits and veggies. Drinking tons of water and iced tea. Also craving sweets often, especially baked goods and fruity candies, particularly in the mornings.
Aversions: Not really anything in particular.
Symptoms: Still the usual Braxton Hicks and lower back pain every now and then. My feet swell a little if I am on them for too long, but a warm bath fixes that.  I had a wonderful prenatal massage over the weekend and it really helped with the back pain.  I promptly made an appointment for 2 weeks from now.  Something new this week...I've started having some nausea, which is really random since I hardly had any during the 1st or 2nd trimesters.
What I miss: Wine when we go out to eat and a good night's sleep.
What I'm looking forward to: For the rest of the daggone nursery furniture to finally get here...hopefully next weekend.  I am so ready to get that nursery finished.  I am also having some maternity shots done this weekend by my very talented friend, Volree.  I cannot wait for this!
Best moment of the week: It was fun starting our Prepared Childbirth Class.  We are learning a lot.  We also got a lot of big ticket items checked off our list this week, like both car seats, the carrier and my breast pump.  (Yes, I totally just said "breast pump" on this blog.  A sign of what's to come?
Thoughts on pregnancy: I'm just now getting to the point where I am ready for him to get here.  As badly as I want to meet him, I really do think I will miss being pregnant.  It's kind of fun having him all to myself right now, almost like I am carrying around this little secret that only I know.  Ok, so it's a pretty obvious secret once you take one look at me, but it still feels like something special that I don't have to share.  I am fiercely protective of him already.  Poor child.  He doesn't know what he is in for.

Forgot to get Matt to take a bump picture this week, so this reflection in my office window from this a.m. will have to do.  You get the idea though....

That's actually kind of a cool shot, ha!
And just because they are to-die-for cute...

Baby TOMS!  We got them in light tan too:)


Kristin Padalik said...

OMG...Love the baby TOMS!!!

Jason and Amy Hand said...

You are adorable! And I love the shoes! I want to get Emma some too! :)