January 29, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: 27 Weeks

How far along: 27 weeks.  Third trimester baby!!
Gender: BOY! Asher Wade!
Size of baby: About 2 pounds
Weight gain: 15 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Entirely, at least in public.  Matt will tell you that I'm not against letting my belly hang out around the house.
Movement: All the time.  I know I've said this before, but it is seriously the best feeling ever! 
Sleep: I wake up once or twice during the night to use the potty, and I pretty much always wake up before the alarm goes off, which used to never happen.  I guess this is just God preparing me for less sleep...
Cravings: Nothing different.  I could probably name the 10 or so things I eat on a regular basis: oatmeal in morning (or sometimes a Panera bagel), yogurt with fruit or a Clif bar for lunch, Taziki's, Panera, cooked sushi, or tuna wrap for dinner, some sort of ice cream for dessert, trail mix, apples, grapes, oranges, pineapple, strawberries for snacks.  Also loving Annie's Cheese Bunnies crackers and conversation hearts right now.
Aversions: Not really anything in particular.
Symptoms: Really bad shin splints, but only while walking on the treadmill.  I've pretty much retired it, and just use the elliptical now. 
What I miss: Wine when we go out to eat and a good night's sleep
What I'm looking forward to: Starting on that daggone nursery!  Seriously, we are procrastinating something bad.  I also have my first shower coming up in KY next month!  And totally non-baby related, but I'm going to Chicago next week for a conference.  First time, visiting there, so I'm pretty pumped.
Best moment of the week: Well, hitting that 3rd trimester mark was pretty darn exciting.  Also, getting the crib put together was fun.  We even swaddled a Cabbage Patch doll and stuck it in there for good measure:)
Thoughts on pregnancy: Oh I am just so in love.  Is that strange?  To be so completely in love with a little person that I have never even met or laid eyes on?  Because seriously...I am.  I had no idea that I would feel this way or become so attached to him before he was born, but I have.  I've never even really been a maternal person when it came to kids.  (Now animals on the other hand...)  I actually worried about that when I thought about having kids...that I didn't seem to be overly crazy about other people's children.  I say this in case some of you reading this feel that way, or worry about it.  Trust me.  It will change.

Here's the latest bump picture...

And here's the crib all put together...

Crib and all bedding came from Pottery Barn, although they've since discontinued our bedding! Good thing we got all of it for Christmas:)

1 comment:

Jason and Amy Hand said...

You look fabulous! And I love the crib and bedding. Can't wait to see the whole nursery! And don't worry...Emma's nursery is still a work in progress. She doesn't sleep in there anyway! ;)