January 18, 2013

Friday's Five Faves

* Snow days!  We had our first snowfall of 2013 yesterday and it was a pretty one.  After having 7+ days of rainy, foggy, muggy weather, this was a wonderful change.  I don't mind the cold or a little snow, but I cannot stand nonstop rain.  As you can see, the boys had a fun time playing in the white stuff...

So peaceful

* We started watching the show Parenthood and I love it!  It reminds me of Brothers and Sisters (which I miss so bad).  We were able to stream the previous seasons on Netflix, so we're watching it from the beginning.
* I'm really loving this mix...
I got it at Whole Foods
* This recipe for tilapia.  We made this the other night and it was delicious.  Super quick and easy too, which is perfect for a weeknight meal.  I used all "light" ingredients, and since tilapia itself is a low fat fish, this was a pretty healthy meal.

* Some sunshine!  Like I said above, we literally haven't seen the sun in over a week.  Check out the upcoming forecast though...
Sun, sun and more sun!
Happy weekend friends! 

1 comment:

Kristin Padalik said...

I love the show Parenthood, too! I just started watching it on Hulu, but they only have season 4 on there. Still...I'm hooked!