January 15, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: 25 Weeks

{Just got back from my latest checkup (everything looked great!), so figured it was a good time for an update.}

How far along: 25 weeks
Gender: BOY! Asher Wade!
Size of baby: A little over 1.5 lbs. and size of a half gallon of milk.
Weight gain: About 14 lbs....it's a little scary seeing these numbers on the scale for the first time in my life.  I have to keep reminding myself that it's all good...
Maternity clothes: Pretty much entirely now.  I desperately try to fit in to some of my regular pants and skirts, but it just ain't happening.
Movement: Pretty regularly now, and those kicks and jabs are getting strong.  It's easy (and a little freaky) to see him moving as well.  He's still most active in the evenings.  It seems like the more I am moving around, the less he is.  My daily treadmill/elliptical workout puts him right to sleep.
Sleep: Ehh, not as good as it had been.  It's a little harder for me to get, and stay, comfortable.
Cravings: Still tuna fish sandwiches, salads, fruit, mixed nuts, salty snacks, veggie plates and cornbread, Panera soup, yogurt.
Aversions: Not really anything in particular.
Symptoms: There's been a few times where I have just worn myself out and have to lie down.  I've had a little lower back pain and some pressure every now and then, which is something new.  Usually if I just lay down for a bit though, it passes.  I also have to keep my feet elevated more often now.  Nothing too major though, so I've been lucky!
What I miss: Wine when we go out to eat
What I'm looking forward to: Nursery furniture being delivered (some of it this weekend!) and a nursery decorating class that I am attending at Pottery Barn next weekend.
Best moment of the week: As usual, I love going to the Dr. and hearing his little heart beat.  He was moving and kicking like crazy today when she was trying to hear it.  We got all of Asher's clothes (he already has quite the collection) washed and hung in the closet by size, and visited many daycares to find the best pick for us, which I think we found!
Thoughts on pregnancy: We've had a new foster this past week (a little puppy), so he's been giving us a little taste of what a baby will be like.  Multiple wake up calls during the night, crying, constant supervision, lots of snuggles and kisses, you get the idea.  Both Matt and I like our sleep, and we are not morning people, so it's been interesting and tiring, but definitely good for us.  I almost think we need to have a few more puppy-age fosters before Asher actually gets here.  Oh, and we also got a peek at how Riley and Maddux may adjust when Asher gets here.  Uh, yeah.  We have some things to work on.  Riley is jealous as all get out. and Maddux is just plain grumpy towards him.  We have some work to do. 

Here's my latest bump picture.  I also did a side by side comparison since I just happened to be in the same outfit.


12 weeks on the left, 25 weeks on the right

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