August 1, 2011

Signs that prove I am getting old

Now I know I am nearing the big 3-0.  After trying out a new (to us anyways) Chinese restaurant Friday night and hitting up Publix for the necessary ice cream sundae ingredients, we parked it on the couch and watched QVC (sign #1 that I am getting old).  Umm, yes, it was Friday night.  Now granted we had planned to stay in and I was very much happy with this (sign #2), but we had not anticipated getting sucked in to some TV shopping.  We had also not anticipated being so utterly amazed by the one-time-only offer to have your very own restaurant quality pressure cooker (sign #3 that I am getting old...the fact that I know what a pressure cooker is).  Seriously, we were completely amazed by this kitchen wonder (sign #4).  Enter our very first QVC purchase...a pressure cooker.  Matt was impressed with how quickly you can do up some chicken wings.  The host had me as soon as he said you could can veggies and fruits in half the usual time (ummm, can you say sign #5).  I'm so excited for this bad boy to get here I can hardly contain myself (#6).

Do not be surprised if your Christmas gift comes in a mason jar this year, and do not be surprised if it is pickled.  I'm just saying...


Brandi said...

OH MY........Cassie's mother (lol) watches it all the time!!!!!! We get QVC stuff out the wazoooo ALL. THE. TIME. Ask her about it sometime...she loves QVC herself!!! And, she REALLY loves to watch it WITH her mother!!! LOL!

Jon and Jessica said...

Cracking up!