April 26, 2011

Just call us Carrie and Samantha

Well maybe we should be Carrie and Charlotte.  I don't quite see either of us modest ladies fitting the role of Samantha.  Not in the least bit. 

T-48 hours and mama and I are headed to the Big Apple! I felt like this much anticipated trip was going to take forever to get here and now here it is! It will be so much fun to get away, not think about school, shop, sight-see and spend time with one of my most favorite ladies in one of my most favorite cities!!

If anyone out there has some recommendations of shops/restaurants/cool places that we must check out, then please let me know!  We have received some great recommendations, but could of course use some more.  There are 4 things I am most excited about visiting....Carlos Bakery in Hoboken (Matt and I LOVE Cake Boss on TLC and I fully intend to bring home lots of goodies), DASH in SOHO (love me some Kardashian sisters and I am dying to check out their newest store), Serendipity 3 (mainly just because one of my favorite movies was filmed there, and, well it's kind of famous) and Central Park in the springtime (I've only ever been to NYC in the dead of winter when it's freezing).

Mom and I really just love to get out and walk and talk about people sight see, so I'm sure we'll be doing a lot of that with some shopping and eating.  It's kind of funny because I am truly such a southern girl at heart and nothing would make me happier than living on a big ole farm surrounded by open land and animals, but I LOVE NYC.  It's just so alive and there is so much to do and see.  I love the idea of hopping on the subway to go to work and taking a taxi to some totally trendy restaurant for dinner with my love.  Maybe he would stop and pick up a bouquet of flowers for me from the street stand on his way home from his super cool Wall Street job.  Oh yeah, and the shopping is just a little good.

I say that, but would I actually enjoy it if I lived there?  Probably not.  I imagine it's something like when we moved to Alabama and everyone here was like, "Why would you ever the leave the beach to come here?!"  Oh, you mean that beach that we lived by but only went to like once a year?  Yeah.  Sometimes things aren't exactly the way you would imagine.

Anyways, wish us luck on our girls' trip and please say a prayer for safe travels.  I'm sure I will have lots of fabulous stories to tell when I get back :)


The Andersons said...

1. I am sooooo jealous! New York is one of those places on our "To Do List" before we have kids! Have fun, and I will say a prayer for safe travel!

2. I am so glad Water for Elephants was a good movie! I'm hoping to see it this weekend!

3. Hope you had a Happy Easter! That cake you made looked yummy! :)

Jon and Jessica said...

Very exciting! I am sure you will have an AMAZING time! Sending prayers for a safe and fun trip with your mom!

Aaron & Laura said...

Have an awesome time! Look forward to lots of pics when you return. hugs <3