April 27, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Love

Matt is celebrating his 32nd Birthday today!!  I think now that he has really gotten past the whole 3-0 hoopla, he doesn't seem to mind his birthdays much anymore.  Matt, birthdays are just another way of memorializing another 365 days of wonderful memories and abundant blessings!

Last year I did a blog post with 31 things I love about Matt.  I could just start from scratch this year, but in all honesty I would probably repeat many of them since they hopefully still apply (ha! totally kidding babe).  Therefore I will do the ABC's of Matt. That's the great thing about marriage...we always discover new things about one another.  Most of which we love of course:)

A...Animal lover.  Probably one of my favorite (and pretty much mandatory if there is any chance of us being friends) traits about him. 

B...Best friend.  He really is.

C...Cha Cha Coconuts.  Where we had our 1st date almost 6 years ago.

D...Date nights.  We have some good, usually hilarious, ones.  I love that we can have had the worst weeks, but Friday Date Night always seems to bring us back to our happy place.

E...Easy going.  He knows when to pick his battles and when it's probably wiser easier to just let me get my way.  I acknowledge that he does that for me, and I appreciate it.  Sometimes a girl's just gotta do things her way!

F...Forgiving.  For someone that tends to hold grudges, it's good to have someone in my life that reminds me that life is too short to be bitter.

G...Gas, as in the kind Matt puts in my car for me because I despise doing it.  If it were the other kind, it would not be on this list.

H...Helpful.  Matt helps me out SO MUCH.  Whether it's doing the dishes, picking up around the house or just cheering up a sour mood, he's always ready and willing to help out.

I...Icecream.  Specifically mint chocolate chip icecream in a waffle cone.  A surefire way to his heart.

J...January 12, 2007.  Best day of my life.

K...Kentucky, Matt's home state.  I had never been to KY in my life pre-Matt (barely knew where it was), but now I get to go all the time!

L...Laughter.  We seriously laugh all the time.  It makes me so happy that we have some much fun together.

M...March Madness.  Pretty sure Matt lives for this every year.  I have learned not to schedule any important events during this month and never, ever, ever, ever

N...Nachos made with Doritos.  I wrinkled my nose at first too, but man they are good!

O...Orange scones from Panera.  A Saturday morning tradition.  He always lets me have a bite too.

P...Poptarts!  The man loves them.  It's hilarious because if you look in our pantry you'll see all healthy stuff and then a box of Poptarts.  Always. 

Q...Question games we play on long car trips...always finding out new stuff about one another.

R...Reds.  Matt played minor league baseball for them. Did you know that? I almost didn't go out with him because of that affiliation, but more on that later.

S...Seinfield.  His all time favorite show that he watches re-runs of every.single.day.

T...Thoughtful.. He's always thinking of little things to do for me that make will make me happy.

U...Uplifting.  He is so good about encouraging me and lifting me up.

V...Vampires shows.  The ones he always watches with me even though I know he'd rather have Sports Center on.

W...Wildcats-as in the UK Wildcats.  He just sort of likes this team...X...X-rays.  Matt's had a lot of them!

Y...Yogurt Lab.  We go here everyday after date night.  Best froyo in town!

Z...Zipper.  I have to always check this on him before we leave the house.  75% chance that it is down.

I hope you have a wonderful day Matt!  I love you so very, very much!!

1 comment:

The Andersons said...

First of all, when I saw all of the tornado damage in Tuscaloosa and Birmingham, I immediately thought of y'all. Are y'all ok?? It was rough around our house, but thankfully we didn't have any major damage.

Second of all, Matt sounds so much like my husband, Kevin. Wow. Watching vampire shows with me, eating yogurt after Friday night date night, pumping gas for you, poptarts, Seinfield....the list could go on and on. Everytime I read your blog, I am reminded of us in some way. ha! Happy Birthday, Matt!