Loved, Loved, Loved the weather today! I seriously could have just spent the whole day outside, and I almost did. First off, did a 7 mile run, my longest yet. It was rough, and about 3 miles into it I was really wondering how this was going to go. For those of you that have not been to Birmingham, let me tell you about the hills. They're brutal!! Makes for some beautiful scenery, but for someone training for a half marathon, they cause some serious problems. Most of B'ham is hilly, so you really don't have the option of a flat running route. I made it though, although I definitely did take several power-walking breaks, especially when I hit one of the hills. After my run and my "I made it!" phone call to Matt, I promptly headed to the grocery store and partook in all of the yummy samples at Whole Foods. I may have bought (and ate right there in the store) a vegan peanut butter cookie, maybe, but I am not confirming this for sure. I visited with my favorite seafood lady and got some mahi mahi that had just been harvested the night before. That's what I love about WF...they tell you where all the food came from and when they got it. Oh, and the best part of the day, cocktails and a cheese plate at Chez Lulu. Is it wrong to have martinis at 4:00 in the afternoon? I decided that this was totally acceptable. Oh, and I totally wore white pants. I don't care that it is a faux pas because Memorial Day is not here yet. I was just too excited to get in the springy spirit. So I sat at my little outdoor cafe in my white pants, sipping on my watermelon martini at 4:00 in the afternoon with a huge smile on my face. Hope everyone else had a wonderful Saturday!!
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