March 22, 2010

Do not worry about anything...

...instead pray about everything (Phil 4:6). I felt compelled to post about our service yesterday at church because it's one of those principles that I think a lot of people need to be reminded about, myself definitely being at the top of that list. I found it to be very coincidental that we had a message on "worrying" considering all the drama that went on yesterday with our government and our new health care bill. Then I had to remind myself that nothing that God does is coincidental...everything has a purpose. The truth is that we were on the last part of a 7 week series titled "How to Live Through a Bad Day," so this portion was planned out months ago. Still it was very fitting considering that there truly is a lot to worry about, and I'm not just talking about the government. Everyone is so up in arms over everything going on with the new administration and plans, whether they are in support of it or not. I personally get myself all worked up over things that are going on in our country. I was reminded though yesterday, that what's the point in worrying? I am not in control of this country and its direction anymore than our president is. We know that there is only ONE person in control and I am satisfied in knowing that I am on His side. God always promises to do nothing other than take care of us. In fact, our pastor pointed out that God promises to take care of us over 7,000 times in one Book. Who else promises this? Where else will we ever find that kind of security. If instead of worrying about things SO MUCH, we could just hand over all our anxiety and worry to God, who wants nothing more than to take it from us, imagine how completely free you would feel? For now, I am just going to pray for our country and our leadership. If you have some free time, especially if you are a total worry wart like me, I totally recommend that you listen to Pastor Chris's service from yesterday. I truly got a lot out of it, and I left with the most unbelievable sense of peace and calm. Just click here to watch the service. Hope everyone is having a great Monday! It's just me and the boys tonight since Matt had to go to Memphis for training. I have the Time Travelers Wife, a vegan carrot cake that I made last night and my new U.S. Weekly. In other words, it is going to be a total "Leanne" night:)

1 comment:

Jon and Jessica said...

Wonderful post! I love the part that God promises to take care of us over 7,000 times in one Book! Wow what a sense of peace! Thanks for a great reminder!