In case you haven't noticed, I took a little hiatus from blogging. In fact, I kind of feel like I took a little hiatus from the "social scene" in general. This wasn't really sort of just happened. It wasn't because work was overly busy, or that I was busier at home than normal. I think I just went through this little introverted phase where I kind of just wanted to keep to myself. Do you ever get that way sometimes? I couldn't even tell what I've been up to over the past month, because to be honest, I didn't pay much attention to it. I don't have many pictures on my phone except for the ones below (when normally I snap several every single day), there were only a couple random posts on my Instagram account, and I kind of just randomly perused Facebook and checked in on a few of my favorite blogs every now and then. I love social media in the sense that it allows me to keep up with friends and family, but sometimes it can be very overwhelming! It's like I think I have to know what's going on with everyone and everything, or I may just fall off the map. This is silly, but true. Anyways, I guess you could say I've just been in a little bit of a funk and it caused me to pull inward and just sort of disconnect. And that's just that. Maybe I will write about it a little more at some point:-)
But anyways, I'm feeling more like my regular self now and am enjoying this new season as much as one can enjoy sweltering heat and humidity. It seems like Spring kind of skipped over Birmingham, which makes me sad because I love Spring! Instead we went from a freezing, cold winter to a scorching, hot summer. I remember it being freezing still in April and then all of a sudden it was 90+ degrees in May. Crazy Alabama weather.
Other things that have been going on? Well, I am leading a small group for the first time ever and it has been so fulfilling. We have a great group of ladies in our home every week and we are studying Let it Go by Karen Ehman, which is full of all kinds of practical and helpful teachings. This is a great read for any of you women that have a hard time letting go of the control and letting God take over. It's relevant to so many women and I think we are all getting a lot out of not only the study itself, but also from each other. Nothing better than having a group of women all praying for and encouraging one another on a daily basis. It's been a blessing for sure.
Other happenings over the past month have included a move in to our new house, a Birmingham Baron's baseball game, several birthday parties for little friends, AW's first trip to the dentist, lots of pool time, fun in the sun, and of course a tantrum thrown in here and there;) Overall I'd call the start of Summer 2014 a success. I've included some pictures below and will hopefully be back soon with some more regular updates. Until then, TGIF!
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