January 31, 2014

Asher Wade at 9 Months

Asher Wade you are 9 months old!  9.months.old.  Time is going so fast.  I am already researching ideas (a/k/a pinning stuff on Pinterest) for your 1st birthday party because I know it will be here in no time flat.  You are growing like a weed and doing something new every day.  Your personality becomes more and more apparent and you make us laugh on a regular basis.  You go non-stop, always wanting to play and be interacted with, or loved on.  Still quite the little love bug, you are so sweet and affectionate.

We have a pretty good routine going now...finally!  I didn't ever think I would get the hang of this (working) mommy thing.  You know that saying, "You'll forget what it was like before them?"  Well, for awhile there, I did NOT forget what it was like before you, ha!  It was much easier and go with the flow and a lot less stressful.  But boy am I ever thankful that you are here with us now.  I truly cannot imagine our life without you.  It's taken some time to get adjusted to the "new normal," but now this is our "normal" and you fit in just perfectly.  What in the world did we do with all our time before you came along?! 

I love being your mommy.  I don't think there is a greater gift on this planet.  You may drive me batty at times, but my heart is so full of love for you it's crazy.  There's not much I wouldn't do for you:-)
We had to reschedule our 9 month checkup thanks to the #snowapocalypse, but I'll give a rough weight and fill in the rest when we make it to the Dr...

Age: 9 months

Weight: 21 lbs

Length: 28.25 in

Head circumference: 18.75 in

Clothing size: 9 months or 6-12 months depending on the brand. Size 3 diapers.

Milestones: 5 teeth with another on the way.  Clapping (so cute!).  Does certain things to get a reaction (like biting or pulling hair).  Recognizes certain favorite songs and character voices and gets excited when he hears them.  Finally got the child a high chair and he eats his meals there now.  Celebrated NYE with friends and even fell asleep in the travel crib so mama and daddy could stay and hang out.  Visited the zoo.  Waving, but his hand is turned so that he waves at himself and not at others, lol!  Finally started to crawl...watch out world!

Sleep: Sometimes he will sleep all night, but it's not consistent.  He's been sick on and off with colds and congestion, so I know that's been disrupting his sleep.  I have no doubt we could "sleep train" him if we wanted to, but I personally don't feel so inclined to do so.  I know he's just a baby and it isn't like this will last forever.  I do like my sleep, but I don't mind the middle of the night snuggles:-)  He does nap great.  On the weekends he'll take 2 or 3 good naps in his crib.  Napping at daycare is a little less consistent.  Too much fun stuff going on there!

Eating: Still nursing like a champ, but his solid food intake has increased as well.  He will try just about anything. Takes a total of 15 oz of pumped milk at school, spread out over 3 bottles (a slight decrease in his milk intake from last month).  He's eating from the cafeteria now too and supposedly he loves the food!  We aren't doing meat (fish and shrimp are ok), but basically everything else is fair game. I also send a YoBaby yogurt and some sort of fruit or veggie pouch.  Supper is usually some version of whatever we are eating, or I just let him eat off my plate.  There isn't much we won't let him try.  New foods this month have been salmon, tilapia, pineapple, banana bread, string cheese, grilled cheese, cucucmber with hummus, and waffles.  He loves solid foods, but nursing is still his favorite by far.

  • Standing (with our assistance of course).
  • Rough housing with daddy.
  • Playing on the kitchen floor with pots and spoons.
  • Laying in bed with mama and daddy on Saturday and Sunday mornings, watching cartoons.
  • Being tickled, or when we "get his belly".
  • Going for walks in his stroller, or pretty much anything outside. Loves to people watch!
  • Swinging at the park.
  • Riding in the car.
  • Sitting on his play mat with lots of toys around him.
  • Playing on his exersaucer/activity gym.
  • His teachers Miss Vicki and Miss Harriett...loves them!
  • Music.
  • Bath time. He loves to splash and kick in the water and play with his bath toys.
  • Being sung to, read to, or just being talked to in general. His favorite songs are the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Patty Cake."
  • Other babies and toddlers. He loves to be around people in general.
  • Riley and Maddux.
  • Sitting in his swing and watching the Baby First and Disney Jr. channels, or as we call it, his "shows." His favorites are Peek-a-boo, The Notekins, VocabuLarry, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Little Einsteins.
  • Eating! He especially loves going to restaurants and trying food off my plate.

  • The evening hours, right before bedtime...his "witching hour."
  • Sitting in one place for too long.
  • Being hot.
  • Getting out of the bath and getting ready for bed.
  • The nose sucker. Screams.bloody.murder.
  • Being woken up early from a nap.
  • Being tired.
Here are some pictures...

Having some blueberries in my new high chair


Jason and Amy Hand said...

I love and miss him! And y'all of course! He just gets cuter by the second! :)

The Andersons said...

He is the CUTEST!!!! Can't believe he's almost 1. Time flies.