November 25, 2013

Asher Wade at 7 Months

Asher Wade, you are 7 (gasp) months old!  That kind of freaks me out to even type.  Something about being past that half year just seems crazy.  You truly cannot understand the phrase, "Time goes so fast." until you become a parent.  Every now and then I get a little weepy at watching your grow, but for the most part, I enjoy each new stage and look forward to the next one.

You are really starting to look like a little boy.  I loved your "baby look," but this is so precious.  Your hair is starting to come in and your features are becoming more defined.  You crack me up when you sit and play with your toys because you look like such a big boy to me.  You may be starting to look like a big boy, but Lord are you ever a mama's boy!  If I am in your eyeshot, I pretty much always have to pick you up.  If you are sitting in your swing and I need to walk through the living room, I have to get all stealth, ninja-like and sneak past you.  Otherwise you'll go nuts.  This presents some challenges in the morning when I'm trying to get ready for work;)

You have the BEST smile.  Everywhere we go, you smile at everyone and they can't help but smile back.  People always tell us that you can melt hearts with just one little smile.  People think you surely must be the happiest baby to ever walk the planet, which is ironic because you still have quite the temper and can have a meltdown like no other.  You are not one to just chill out in one spot for more than 10 minutes.  You love to be held and interacted with.  You are also very loving, which is the best:-)  You'll just cuddle up and bury your head in my chest.  Nursing is probably still your favorite thing, ha!  Besides the obvious food aspect, you love the closeness and comfort.  When you get upset, it's about the only thing that will calm you down.

Not doctor visit this month, so I'll do my best with measurements.

Age: 7 months

Weight: 16 lbs, 9 oz

Length: 28 inches at least

Head circumference: Somewhere around 18 inches

Clothing size: Pretty much 6-9 or 9 months, although a few 6 month things still fit.  Now in size 3 diapers.

Milestones: Two bottom teeth.  Laughing a lot more (hilarious!), especially when we make funny animal noises, give him zerberts and tickle his thighs. Sitting up no problem. Gets in a crawling position and tries so hard, but no movement yet. Has this really high pitch scream that's equal parts annoying and comical. Eating two meals a day now, usually some sort of fruit or veggie at lunch time and whatever we are having for dinner at night (mashed/diced up of course).  Likes to play with and hold on to his toys now and has started to purposefully drop them so we'll pick them back up.  Had his first tummy bug over Halloween, as did the rest of the family.  Also had a double ear infection that landed us in the urgent care center on a Sunday night.  Started going to the chiropractor after we talked to friends whose babies had amazing results.

Sleep: Back to sleeping through the night, Hallelujah!!  I've stopped my 3 a.m. pumping session as well, so we're all getting more sleep now.  He goes down by 7:30 and wakes up anywhere from 5 to 6:30 (I feed and put him back down if closer to 5).  Sometimes he cries out during the night, but as long as it isn't a full on cry, we just let him settle himself back down (or Matt just takes the monitor away from me, ha!).  I have to be honest...I kind of miss our middle of the night snuggles, but I know it's better for him (and us) to get sleep.  Nap time is another story.  He goes down for a morning nap relatively easy, but he fights those afternoon naps.  He needs them so bad though.

Eating: Still loves to eat! Takes a total of 18 oz of pumped milk at school, spread out over 4 bottles, and eats a fruit or veggie around noon.  We usually send a Plum Organic or Earth's Best "pouch" with him and so far he has loved everything he's tried, although I think the raspberry/banana/brown rice blend is his favorite. Besides what he gets at school, I still nurse him in the morning, when I get home from work and then at bedtime.  We also just started giving him a little supper as well, which is usually some version of whatever we are eating.  New foods this month have been cantaloupe, avocado, peas, brown rice, Cheerios, blueberries, plums, mango, scrambled eggs, and yogurt.

  • Standing (with our assistance of course).
  • Going for walks in his stroller, or pretty much anything outside. He loves going to outdoor events where there is lots to look at.
  • Swinging at the park.
  • Sitting on his play mat with lots of toys around him.
  • Playing on his "piano" and his exersaucer/activity gym.
  • His teachers Miss Vicki and Miss Harriett...loves them!
  • Music.
  • Dining out alfresco.
  • Bath time. He loves to splash and kick in the water and play with his bath toys.
  • Being held and walked around.
  • Being sung to, read to, or just being talked to in general. His favorite song is the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and now he's loving Christmas carols!
  • Other babies and toddlers. He loves to be around people in general.
  • Riley and Maddux.
  • Sitting in his swing and watching the Baby First and Disney Jr. channels, or as we call it, his "shows." He especially loves Peek-a-boo, The Notekins, VocabuLarry, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and The Higglytown Heroes.
  • Eating!

  • The evening hours, right before bedtime...his "witching hour."
  • Sitting in one place for too long.
  • Being hot.
  • Getting out of the bath and getting ready for bed.
  • The nose sucker.  Screams.bloody.murder.
  • Being woken up early from a nap.
  • Being tired.
  • Has been a little feisty in the car seat lately. He gets mad when I have to pull the straps tight.
And here are some pictures...

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