May 14, 2012

Graduation Weekend {Part 1}

Wow.  What a crazy busy, but crazy fun weekend!  It was so much fun to celebrate graduation with family and friends and I felt so blessed to have everyone there.  I feel like we have been celebrating ever since my parents flew in first on Thursday afternoon!  With the rest of the family getting in the next day and a graduation party on Saturday with family and good friends, we definitely made the most of the weekend!

Holley and Logan came!

Logan and Holley with mom and dad

My boys:)

Yummy cake

All the ladies

Ha! Duke and UK actually getting along...

Some of the guys

Lori and Jeremy

Riley eyeing the cake

Sweet gift from my KY family that was perfect for the party

In the middle of it all, as usual

I'll get the pics up from the actual ceremony tomorrow!

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