June 12, 2013

Life lately (mainly according to Instagram)

I'm trying to get some posts up, but man, it's hard!  Still dealing with colic (which should really be a four letter word as far as I'm concerned), so needless to say I don't have much free time on my hands.  I hear that colic peaks around weeks 6 and 7 (he's 7 weeks tomorrow), so we're praying that we'll start seeing some relief in the near future.  Anyone out there ever dealt with colic?  If anyone ever finds themself dealing with it in the future, get in touch with me.  I'll help you out:-) 
Anyways, here are some pictures of our little guy from the past couple of weeks.  He's changing so much...it's really crazy. 
"What's up ladies?"

"Who me?  I never fuss...I swear."

Loves his owl play mat

Naked time

First smile for mama

His serious face

Quite possibly my all time favorite picture of him...funny little mischievous smile

Pretty excited to be going to breast feeding support group...2 hours of eating is a highlight of his week

Visit from Lori and Jeremy

Pretty fascinated with sweet 2 year old Riley

Ha! Just a day in the life. I attempted lunch with Cassie and then had to deal with 280 traffic and a screaming baby in the backseat.  Just keeping it real y'all!

1 comment:

Kristin Padalik said...

I'm so sorry that little man (yes, he really looks like a little man!) has colic. I never went through it with my girls, but I have heard the horror stories. It does end though, hopefully sooner than later!