I really wanted to get Asher's birth story documented as I know I'll start to forget as time passes...I'm sure I've already forgotten a lot of the details. I was in a haze for a lot of it. Crazy to think this all went down 2 weeks ago! I now truly understand the meaning of "time goes so fast" and I feel like that is going to be coming out of my mouth a lot.
After going in for my weekly checkup on the 22nd, we decided to go ahead and schedule an inducement for that Thursday. The plan was to go in on Wednesday at 4 pm for some prep and then get the actual process started early Thursday morning. This actually worked out really well because my parents were able to know for sure when to be here by. Plus it was nice to be able to wrap things up at work and let everyone know that I would be out starting Wednesday.
So Tuesday night Matt and I ordered pizza, took the boys for a long walk, caught up on some TV shows, and enjoyed our last night as a family of "4." I remember feeling a little nervous about everything...really the first time I had felt any nerves or anxiety. Wednesday I got up and took a long walk (I'd been quite a sight walking around the neighborhood everyday, big as a house) and then went out and got a bikini wax (not kidding), picked up some things for Matt's birthday (that Saturday) and ran a few last minute errands. Matt got home around lunch and we just relaxed for a few hours.
We had been instructed to be at the hospital at 4 pm. Scheduled inducements are funny...so calm and relaxed. They were ready for us and just brought us straight to the L/D room. I got changed in to my spiffy hospital gown and strapped to the monitor. We watched TV until my Dr. came in around 5 pm to insert that foley catheter balloon thing (owwwwww). Contractions started pretty quickly afterwards and let me tell you...thought.I.might.die. Seriously, it was the worst pain I have ever felt. My Dr. had warned me that the balloon would probably irritate my uterus and make the contractions feel worse than they really were. I just remember being hunched over an arm chair moaning and swaying back and forth. They brought me dinner, but the pain was so bad I couldn't eat. Needless to say, I requested pain meds pretty quickly. After starting me on an IV, they gave me some meds, which immediately took the pain away and knocked me out. My parents got to the hospital sometime that evening, but I'm pretty hazy in even remembering that visit. They went back to our house to sleep and Matt and I slept off and on throughout the night. I do remember the nurse removing that balloon thing at some point and being informed that I was 5 cm.
This was obviously pre-contractions |
Around 6 am Thursday morning my Dr. came by to break my water and start the pitocin. Contractions (for real ones this time) started pretty shortly afterwards. Horrible pain again! Props to all you women that don't get drugs! Those couple hours of contractions I felt were so intense...no way I could have gone past 6 or 7 cm. The anesthesiologist came by around 9 to administer the epidural, PTL!! I felt immediate relief. Tip for any expectant mama's reading this...if you are scared about the epidural (I was), wait until you are really feeling the contractions (I was 6 cm). I was in so much pain from the contractions, and so focused on working through each one, that I didn't even feel the epidural. My L/D nurse (who was so, so awesome by the way) had given me this advice, and she was right. Once the epidural was in, the pain went away completely and I didn't feel a thing the rest of the labor.
My parents got there shortly after and we just hung out and watched Food Network and they chatted with my nurse about anything and everything. I was in and out of sleep during this time...don't really remember much. I got nauseous a few times and threw up in a little barf baggie. Oh, and again, gotta love those epidurals because I literally didn't feel a thing, even during the transition period! My Dr. checked in periodically and then around 1:00 that afternoon, informed us that I was at 10 cm and it was go time!
I had to wear an O2 mask because Little Man was so sleepy and lethargic, even during labor |
The whole pushing part is kind of awkward at first. It's hard to figure out exactly what to do. Once I got the hang of it, it wasn't bad (again, love that epidural). Matt and my L/D nurse were so encouraging and motivating, counting for me, helping me breath and informing me of progress. As soon as they said they could see his little head I got super determined to get him out. After just 40 minutes of pushing (which I was told was pretty impressive for a first time mama!), Asher Wade popped out. I remember my Dr. telling me to slow down as he was coming out and I was like, "what the heck do you mean slow down?!" Ha! I just felt such a huge sense of relief and accomplishment when they held him up. It was so emotional and overwhelming...definitely something I will never forget.
I LOVED the whole experience! Well, I could have done without the painful contractions;) Everything was so surreal and amazing though. Seriously, what a miracle to think that Matt and I created this little person, and then that my body was capable of carrying him for 9 months and then bringing him in to the world. If that isn't God's design then I don't know what is.
I agree about induced labors--it's crazy how relaxed they are! (We went in the night before I was induced, too.) Sounds like you had a great experience. So, so happy for y'all. I know EVERYBODY and their mother tells you this, but it's so true---the.time.goes.so.fast. Carol Grace will be 8 months old next week and is starting to crawl! CRAZY!
Yea! So glad you posted your story! We are so happy for y'all and can't wait to meet baby Asher. And Emma can't wait to meet her future boyfriend! ;)
Beautiful birth story! So happy for you all :)
Happy 1st Mother's Day!!
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