May 24, 2011

Our Love Story

Several of my blogger friends have done posts about their "love story" with their special somebody, which I have so enjoyed reading.  There is nothing better than a good old how-we-met-and-fell-in-love-story, especially those everyday ones.  I think it gives so much hope to those that are still praying and looking for their special somebody.

Since I am going to be MIA for several days (for reasons you will hear about later), I have decided to entertain you with mine and Matt's own love story.  I have scheduled 4 different posts/parts with Part 1 posting tomorrow (there is a special reason why it's posting tomorrow).  It was soooo fun remembering and writing this all down.  It's crazy how you remember every single detail (or at least I do).

I hope you enjoy reading along!!

And just to give you a hint as to why I will be MIA here very soon (and to add some color to this post)...

Do you know where I am going??


Aaron & Laura said...

Have fun! How I LOVE reading your posts :-)

Cassie said...

Can't wait to read your story! Have fun in NOLA! I'll miss you!

Jon and Jessica said...

Naw'lens! have fun!