May 14, 2011

Friday's Five Faves...better late then never

(I actually tried to post this yesterday, but Blogger was down for "maintenance" for what seemed like forever).

1. Ann Taylor LOFT.  Ummm, how did I not know about this super cute and totally affordable store?!  Well, I guess I knew about it, but just never went in one.  Mama and I stopped in one while in NYC and I bought half the store several cute things for the summer like this dress and this one and these amazingly soft t-shirts is several colors.

2. Goldberg's bagels.  Best.bagels.ever.  Get the cinnamon raisin, nuke for 30 seconds, drizzle a little "icing" on it (just mix powdered sugar with enough water to make it icing consistency), eat and moan quietly so your co-workers don't look at you funny.  Yes you will moan when you eat it because you'll think you're eating a cinnamon roll, but with only 230 calories.  Moan worthy if you ask me.  I get mine at Whole the bakery section.  You can order them online too.

3. The summer Farmers Market is back!  We made our first trip this morning and were so happy to get our fresh veggies and fruit from our local farmers.  We even picked up some organic homemade dog treats.  The boys came with us, which is really not much fun for us because Riley has serious psychological issues a slight case of separation anxiety and gets very stressed when I walk away to check out the stands.  We're talking full on anxiety attack and he tries to break away from Matt and find me.

4.  Finally having a Dunkin' Donuts in town!  I was depressed when I had to give up this wonderful coffee when we moved here, but now we have one!  We have been 2 Saturdays in a row.  Nothing better than a glazed donut and blueberry coffee....definitely my vice.  Mmmmmmm....

5. My new favorite dinner...dairy free mac n' cheese (Road's End makes a good one) and Morningstar "chicken" nuggets.  I have been on this serious kick with comfort food lately and this little meal has been hitting the spot, like, multiple nights in a week.  I really try not to eat a lot of "convenience food" but I feel like these aren't as bad.

Happy weekend yall!

1 comment:

The Andersons said...

OMG, I love Ann Taylor Loft!!! They give teacher discounts, so that gives me yet another reason to love them! It's definitely one of my favs, along with New York and Company and Kohl's.