April 21, 2011


So finals are over, sort of.  By "sort of" I mean that I had UCC and Professional Responsibility (Ethics) this week, but I will have Property in a couple weeks.  Crazy right?  This is because of a combination between cancelled classes due to snow days earlier on and my already booked NYC trip coming up next week.  So I have a couple weeks left to study before I have to actually take it.  Basically I feel like I am done and that horrible stressful feeling is gone.  I think this was my toughest semester yet.  I'm not sure if this was because the classes were harder or just because I am officially so burnt out.  Law school semesters have kind of gone like this....

Semesters 1-2: Wow this is so interesting!  Who knew there was so much to learn!  I love law school!  I can't wait to be a lawyer!!

Semesters 3-5: Wow my brain is taking in so much information I wonder how I'm ever going to remember all this.  It seems like I could just read a lot of this on my own instead of listening to a 2 hour lecture.  I going to start hitting up Starbucks before class (this is also around the time I officially became a Starbucks addict). 

Semesters 6-7: I really wish I could just go home and watch The Kardashians.  This class seems to be taking longer than necessary.  It's kind of scary that some of my classmates may actually be practicing lawyers someday considering the questions they ask.  I wonder if they are thinking the same thing about me....

Semesters 8-present: I freakin hate this place.  Why are my classmates asking such retarded questions and making us stay here till 9:00?  Do they not have a life?  I just want to go home and eat some pancakes.  (I seriously daydream about food during a good portion of my classes...pancakes are almost always the main event...and Starbucks).

Semesters 10-11: Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change....
I have a feeling I will have to start every class with this prayer.  So close to being done though at that point, that I may be ok...

Like I said...ROUGH.  Everyone warned me that I would reach this point around this time, so at least I don't think I'm totally crazy for wanting to throw myself out the 8th floor window scream.  I have a little break before summer semester, and we have some fun things coming up, so I need to just take a step back, breath and remind myself of the ultimate goal here.  I can do this.

This is so totally me and Riley

1 comment:

Jon and Jessica said...

I am cracking up! Sounds about like Med school!