March 12, 2011

Thoughts for this lovely day...

* I got to have dinner with a dear friend from Sarasota last night...

It makes me so happy to have a little piece of "home" in B'ham. We gorged ourselves on veggie burritos, taco salads, chips, salsa, guac and washed it all down with margaritas. Four hours and 4 Tums later, I called it a successful night:)

* Do not attempt swimsuit shopping until you have gotten a spray tan and a bikini wax. The guacamole overhaul last night probably didn't help either. Epic fail.

* When you have a paper due in a week, do not order the book you were to suppose to use to write said paper a week before said paper is due. Paper due: next Wednesday. Book ordered: Yesterday. Expected delivery of book with Amazon expedited shipping: 3-10 business days. Likelihood that I will have to B.S. my way through this paper: High.

* I just finished another good book by Nicholas Sparks...Safe Haven. It took me awhile to get in to this and I actually almost just stopped reading it because it was seemingly a little too "romantic" for me. Then the tides turned about halfway in to it and I seriously could not put it down.

* Don't forget to turn your clocks forward 1 hour before bedtime tonight. More hours of daylight=one very happy lady.

That is all. Enjoy this beautiful Saturday friends!!

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