January 12, 2011

4 years ago....

....I married my very best friend! Matt and I are celebrating 4 years of wedded bliss today. Go us!! We've definitely done a lot in 4 short years....lots of changes, new adventures, surprises, fun times, hard times, and just lots of memories in general. Marriage is not at all what I expected it to be like, but I can honestly say that it is so much better and more fulfilling than I would have ever thought. I prayed for Matt for so many years. My whole family prayed for Matt, ha! I feel so incredibly blessed and humbled that God took the time and effort to perfectly design a mate for me. When I look at Matt, I know without a doubt that God had a hand in bringing us together, and most importantly, keeping us together. Neither of us are perfect by any means, but we are perfect for each other.

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. ~Mignon McLaughlin

I have had class on on our anniversary for the past few years, but thanks to the crazy winter storm (which has consisted more of annoying ice rather than pretty snow) school is closed for the whole week! When I think about how nice it will be to actually be home, with my husband, on our anniversary, I am reminded of how much sacrifice has gone into law school. People ask me all the time what I am most looking forward to when I FINALLY graduate, and the first thing that always comes to mind is simply "going home after work everyday." Especially on days like this. As soon as we found out about classes being cancelled, Matt asked me where I would like to go to dinner, naming off some of our fave restaurants. My reply...."can we just get take-out and rent a movie?" Seriously, snuggling on the couch with good food (that doesn't require dish washing afterwards), Matt, the pups and a movie sounds absolutely heavenly...


Jason and Amy Hand said...

Happy anniversary, Matt and Leanne!! Hope you have a great time celebrating. It feels like just yesterday we were at your wedding in Florida!

Love you guys! :)

The Andersons said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Hope y'all have a wonderful, relaxing night!!! :)

Aaron & Laura said...

Happy Anniversary to you both. We love you and hope you've had a very special day. Love, Aaron, Laura and Addison

Jon and Jessica said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Sounds like the perfect night!