1. New cold weather work out clothes...

2. New flannels in lots of colors...

3. My Mike Huckabee books...

signed by Mr. Huckabee himself after my dad met him at a book signing!
4. Skinny Bitch Ultimate Everyday cookbook...cannot wait to try out these amazing recipes.

5. Starbucks gift cards...I think I have about $100 to spend at the Bucks. One.Happy.Girl.

I also got several gift cards to Macy's with which I bought a few new pairs of shoes and a bottle of that Thierry Mugler Angel perfume I have been wanting. Now I must tell my perfume story.....
I like to switch up my perfume pretty regularly, especially in the summer, so I like to just buy the smaller bottles so it doesn't go to waste. After checking several stores, all of them sold out on the perfume, I finally find it at Macy's. I go up to the sales lady and tell her I would like the small bottle (which I have already seen in the display case). She pulls out the large bottle and starts to ring it up. "Umm, m'am, I would like the smaller ($50) bottle. Thanks." She looks at me and then proceeds to say that this is the one they usually sell, but yes they do offer a smaller bottle for people that cannot afford the big one. YES. SHE SAID THIS. TO MY FACE. Now granted I was shopping in jeans, a flannel, my Uggs, hair in ponytail, and probably did not look my best, but oh my word. It gets better. I let this slide and say well ok but, "I would still like the smaller bottle because I like to change my perfume often and don't want to be stuck with a lot of it." She starts saying how "yes it is nice that they offer this smaller bottle for people that can't afford the big one" and how they "don't make any money by selling the small bottle, but she supposes it's nice so that people who can't afford the big bottle get a chance to buy perfume." Did I mention she was training another lady? She proceeds to explain to the trainee that "this smaller bottle is for people who can't afford the large bottle and if the customer acts like the large bottle is too expensive then she can offer the smaller bottle, but to always push the larger bottle first." Did I mention there were other customers around? There were. Miss Saleslady of the Month made it very known to everyone around that this poor poor woman was only buying the small bottle of perfume. I swear I think she said the phrase "for people that can't afford the big bottle" 20 times. Look lady, I just want the flippin' small bottle of perfume ok. I'm not poor, but honestly what if I was? What if buying perfume was a very special thing for me? Something that I can only do once in awhile? You just ruined my perfume buying experience. Now everyone is looking at me like I am Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman, in my hooker outfit trying to buy something from the fancy store. I huffed away with my bottle of perfume and my dignity.
LOL!!! And, btw, I LOVE Pretty Woman!!
Wow! The manager needs to know about that lady! Curious if the cold weather gear really keeps you warm? I love walking outside, but it is so darn cold! I don't know how to properly dress for cold weather exercise!
Jessica-Yes it works! I have tried several different things and have found the best get up to be a dry-fit long sleeve shirt with a light fleece jacket (North Face and Nike make some good ones) and Nike fleece pants. Of course I have to use gloves and ear muffs as well.
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