9....hours it should have taken us to get to Sarasota if Gibby Garmin did not have a mind of his own
0....number of Starbucks right off the interstate that we could easily get to
10....miles we had to drive out of the way because I was seriously having Starbucks withdrawal
5....fur babies in the house (to say we are animal lovers would be an understatement)
2....parents who were very good sports about all the chaos in their house
23....things being mixed/cooked/baked/arranged/prepared, at one time, in one kitchen
4....dear dear friends that I got to see at my parent's Christmas party
362....cookies consumed over a 4 day span
712....times I picked at the red velvet cake I made but swore up and down I was not going to eat
5....pounds I now need to lose due to said cookies and red velvet cake
22....times Riley sulked and pouted because he had to share my mom's attention with her other "grandbabies"
5....shots it took to get a decent family photo where all eyes were open
3,767....seconds spent laughing my butt off during charades on Christmas Eve
70....degrees it was on Christmas Day
1....fight between the dogs that may or may not have involved the Christmas turkey
147....pieces of wrapping paper scattered all over the living room after the present hurricane came through
1....person who was dearly missed this Christmas
2....inches of snow we came home to in B'ham!
6....number of Christmases I have spent with this guy
1 comment:
The dogs are hilarious watching charades!
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