August 26, 2010

Where does your milk come from?

I have been meaning to post this nifty website I found awhile back when I was researching standards for humane farming practices. Basically it rates the brands of dairy products (and other products) found in your region so you can ensure that you are buying (and supporting) companies that follow humane farming practices and have high standards for quality products. The higher the score (and the more cows), the better the practices and quality. You can click on each farm to see the criteria they used to rate the farm. Click here to see where your dairy products rate.


Jon and Jessica said...

Awesome site! I always get Organic Valley over Horizon because I wanted to support family farmers...seems like a great choice according to the website too!

Leanne said...

Yes we use Organic Valley and Whole Foods 365 Organic, both of which are rated high. Horizon is no good! They have been busted and fined several times for their mistreatment of cows and for not adhering to proper organic standards. Makes me so mad...