August 15, 2010


Saw 2 excellent movies this weekend. Friday night we rented The Book of Eli. This movie was not what I thought it would be, but it certainly did exceed my expectations. I generally do not like "end-of-the-world" type movies, but this was different because it was more about the apocalypse and Rapture, from a religious perspective. Very good story line and excellent acting.

We finally saw Inception Saturday night and I have to admit that it was worth all the hype. The fact that someone actually had the imagination and creativity to come up with this plot just blows my mind. At first it was a little hard to understand, but then things just started making sense and falling into place. It took me awhile to stop picturing Ellen Page as a pregnant "Juno," but she is really good in this. The visuals are just phenomenal, as is the all the acting in general. Everyone really should go see this, preferably in the theaters. Oh, and there are some really good previews before the movie.

On another note, I made the BEST snack mix for our movie date...popped a bag of Smart Pop kettle corn, emptied half the bag into a large Ziploc and added 1/2 cup Kashi Heart to Heart Honey Toasted Oat cereal, half a small bag of Pretzel M&M's and a handful of mini marshmallows. Good stuff right there, although I think I may have embarrassed Matt a little when I busted out my giant bag of smuggled snack mix. He informed me that I should at least wait until the lights went out.

1 comment:

Jon and Jessica said...

The last few movies we have seen have been terrible! So thanks for the review, we will have to check 'em out.