July 9, 2010

It's Friiiiiiiday!!

What felt like the longest "short" week ever has finally come to an end and to top it off, class got cancelled tonight...WOOT WOOT! I feel a little guilty getting excited because I guess my professor is actually pretty sick. Feel bad for her, but oh so good for me. Class on Friday night totally bites, so when I get a surprise email saying that I don't have to go, it feels like Christmas morning. My faves of the week...

Pretzel M&M's...insanely addicting and yummy. The whole bag has 150 calories and 5 grams of fat! You can eat the whole thing and not feel terribly guilty. Good move M&M scientists, good move.

So Delicious coffee creamer...a great dairy alternative made with coconut milk for my cup-o-joe.

In fact this whole line deserves a shout-out because everything I have tried totally rocks. Click here to see all of the products. I have tested most of them, and love them all. Whole Foods carries the line, and I've seen it in Publix too.

Arctic Zero ice cream...you may remember my post about Only 8 ice cream. Well my only complaint is that to bring home a whole quart of that stuff from the ice cream shop would cost me an arm and leg. Then I discovered this AMAZING stuff. Do you have the problem where you sit down with a pint of ice cream and then before you know it, the whole thing is gone? If this is you, then this ice cream is definitely for you. You can eat the WHOLE THING for 136 calories!!!!

The vegetable plate...one of the best things about southern restaurants are the vegetable plates (or as Matt gets, the meat and 3 plate) that most of them carry on their menus. There is just nothing better than fresh from the farm vegetables, cooked to perfection with a side of cornbread. Met Matt for lunch today and that's exactly what I had. My belly is oh so happy:)

1 comment:

Jon and Jessica said...

I will be on the search for the coconut milk products! It sounds really yummy & a nice summer flavor!