July 5, 2010

4th of July Weekend

We got our fireworks fix on Saturday at Morgan Creek Winery. Have I mentioned how much I love this place? It was absolutely the most perfect weather this weekend. I couldn't believe we had low 80s for July. Hate for the weekend to come to an end...we just had so much fun! Atleast we have a short week coming up. Hope everyone had a great 4th!!

At Music and Fireworks in the Vineyard

The crowd

Getting ready to head in to the tasting tent

Wine tasting:)

The home of the family that owns the winery...looks like something straight out of Southern Living

My attempt at getting a shot of the fireworks...not so good


Thought we were just going out for a low key dinner at a local pizza joint in our neighborhood, but it ended up being party central. We did get to see some more fireworks from the patio though

And to top off the weekend.....ECLIPSE!!! It was soooooo good. Definitely the best one yet, although of course they still aren't as good as the books. I was beyond excited though. Team Edward or Team Jacob?? I can't make up my mind. I'm personally partial to Alice and Jasper. Check out my super cool souvenir cup. I also made myself sick off candy...literally.

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