May 26, 2010

Summer songs and book recommendations

On the radio this morning they had listeners calling in with the song that most reminds them of summer. Of course this was a country station (in Birmingham, AL at that), so most of the songs noted were, well, country! The first one that automatically made me think of summer was "Summer Nights" from Grease. It's a perfect testament of summer...long, hot days, the beach, a little romance. Whew! LOVE that movie! What song most reminds you of summer?? Leave a comment below with the first one that pops in to your head. I just may make a new play list...

Also, I am in desperate need of a good book recommendation before we leave for Sarasota on Friday. Lately I have been reading a lot of health and nutrition books, and of course the all exciting law books that consume me, so I want something fictitious, light and fun. Just a good summer read. Jennifer Weiner is my absolute favorite, but her new book isn't coming out till July. If you have a good suggestion, please leave me a comment.

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