March 16, 2010

OVER the cold weather!

Seriously, what a tease....we had warm(er) sunny weather for the last couple of weeks and now we are back to 45 degrees?! I had totally put up the sweaters and coats and was starting the self tanning process every morning to prepare my pasty self for shorts and tank tops, just to cover back up in my winter garb again. Boohoo! I guess I shouldn't complain since it seems like it is this way all over the country. I feel bad for the spring breakers that are trying to beach it. Well, OK I totally don't feel bad for them since at least they GET a spring break. Our Dean decided that giving us a week off really "placed an unnecessary distraction in the middle of a semester" and did away with spring break last year. The upside is that we do get 2 weeks off between spring and summer semester, which will be really nice and hopefully much warmer. Speaking of, Matt and I are brainstorming for somewhere fun we can vacation. We haven't been on a "real" vacation with just the 2 of us since our honeymoon, so it is way overdue. We have a couple things in mind, but I would love to get some suggestion from y'all. Obviously it needs to be affordable and have lots of outdoorsy things to do and pretty scenery. Any suggestions?? On a totally unrelated note, I rented 2 great movies this weekend....Walk the Line (which I know is kind of old, but I had not seen it) and Precious. Both were excellent, and although a little dark, very uplifting. I would definitely recommend.

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